CHRISTOPHER (CHRIS) HILL Chris Hill was born in 1943 and was raised in a village in South-West Somerset. He was educated at Yeovil School and after seven years working with Massey Ferguson entered an Anglican Evangelical Theological College in Bristol (Tyndale Hall). Chris came to Christ in 1960, met Lindy at the same time and married her in 1967.
Chris Hill served a curacy in Poole, Dorset between 1970 and 1974 and then became Warden of Pilgrims Hall, a Christian Conference Centre in Essex. Here his expository preaching and teaching developed through the next 20 years, culminating in his appointment as Principal of the Christian Life College based in the City Temple, London.
During his time at Pilgrims Hall he believes God led him to resign his Anglican Orders and to establish an independent church – the Lamb of God Community and Fellowship – free of all denominational ties and with the emphasis upon living and working by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
During their long ministry together, spanning sixty years, Chris and Lindy led over a hundred Bible tours of Israel. They have visited many countries, proclaiming Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
Chris has served many churches as preacher and teacher and has written many books and booklets in addition to producing expositional recordings.