“Let the Word of Christ Dwell in you Richly” (Col.3 vs. 16)

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Thank you for visiting our brand new website. You can browse our extensive list of speakers and listen to a preview of many of our recordings for free before you buy. We have also added the ability to buy our recordings in MP3 format for immediate download. Anchor Recordings is blessed with over 12,000 recordings and we are working hard to transfer them all to the new website. More are available each week, but if there is anything that you are looking for and cannot find, then please contact us and we will put them to the top of the list. Our new customer account pages let you see your purchase history, track the ordering process and manage your MP3 downloads.

To find out a little more about our new site and how it works, please click here.

If you are interested in the teaching of David Pawson, then you will find them on our dedicated site www.davidpawson.com

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