Privacy Policy

This document was last updated on 18-May-2015

This privacy policy sets out the basis on which any personal data is collected from you, or that you provide to us in order to comply as fully as possible with the law.

Information we collect about you

We may collect and process the following data from you in the following forms:

  • A cookie, stored on the hard-drive of your computer.
  • Session variables stored on our server for the duration of your visit.
  • Email communications from you from our contact page(s) or other forms.

The types of information stored may be of the following type(s):

  • Information that you provide by filling in forms on our website.
  • Information about purchases made by you on our website such as items purchased, date, time, shipping and / or billing address.
  • Information about your computer and operating system, IP address and web browser if available.
  • Statistical information about your visit to our site including time, date, duration and pages visited.
  • Preferences chosen by you with regards to your experience on our site such as language selection.

We use third-party payment portals to accept payment on our website, at no time do we have access to your your personal financial information such as credit card details, PayPal password etc.

About cookies and cookie use on this website

A “cookie” is a small data file that collects information when a website is visited. Some cookies are used for important functions of the website to help it run properly.

Some cookies only exist whilst you are visiting a website, but “persistent” cookies remain on your computer, either permanently, or for a specified duration before automatically deleting themselves. These “persistent” cookies can help the site to recognise you next time you visit and remember settings that you have chosen.


Our site uses Google Analytics cookies to provide us with information to help us better understand how our website is used by visitors to improve our service, determine the success of marketing or advertising campaigns etc.

This information is not shared with third parties, and we do not use this information to attempt to identify users or their personal information.

Google has further information about their cookies, including how to reject or delete them:


You can reject cookies from our or any other site by adjusting the setting on your web browser. You may also delete them if you wish.

See the instructions in the help feature on your particular browser.

Please note, however that you may not be able to use certain features of our website with cookies disabled.


Information that you pass to us via our online forms will only be used to fulfill the specific purpose to which the form is designed.

We will not pass your information or personal details to any other third party except for:

  • Those directly involved in fulfilling your enquiries.
  • Where required to do so by law, or pursuant to the prevention of fraud or any other suspected criminal activity.


By continuing to use this website or providing information through the various forms, you agree to consent to the use of our cookies and treatment and storage of your information.